Presented by: Ameripolitan Show
Amber Digby

Listen to One More Thing I Wished I'd Said
When Amber Digby sings, people listen. “Amber is a great traditional singer,” says Vince Gill, who knows whereof he speaks, and like his following observation—“which is so hard to find these days”—it’s just the simple truth.
You'll hear a lot of musicians say that they were surrounded by country music when growing up. But few can say it and mean it as literally as Amber Digby can. Growing up, she'd go on the road with her dad, riding around in Loretta Lynn's tour bus (yes, the one used in "Coal Miner's Daughter") and watch the shows from the side of the stage. It's no wonder that she grew up to find herself behind the microphone and owning the stage all on her own. She may have followed in some footsteps but Amber has made a name for herself with top critics, radio and fans alike as the top female vocalist in music dedicated to country music tradition. But her star is rising in a direction of country music originality –...
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