2015 Schedule
Interactive: March 13–17  •  Film: March 13–21  •  Music: March 17–22

Insects vs Robots

Tuesday, March 17
1:00AM - 1:55AM

Saxon Pub
1320 S Lamar Blvd



"IVR is a psychotropicturesque quasi-nomadic music tribe roaming the jungles of Los Angeles. They employ violin, charango, guitar, drums, bass, voice, harp, banjo, kazoo, harmonium, saran wrap, sitar, megaphone, and other sonic confibulations to weave landscapes of otherworldly, folksy, and volcanic rock music. Their performance causes audiences to enter a state of frenzied joyous dancing, leaping, frothing, singing, moshing, and bewilderment. Having entered into their world, I have peered into the strange polyphonic canyons of their realm, and have no choice but to remain and chronicle their journey. I will not be returning to civilization."
—From the recovered Field Notebook of missing Anthropologist Dr. Theophrastus Bombastus III.

Milo Gonzalez
Tony Peluso
Micah Nelson
Jeff Smith
Nikita Sorokin


Music Badge, Film Badge, Interactive Badge, Gold Badge, Platinum Badge, Music Festival Wristband, Artist Wristband
Venice, CA

Thanks to our sponsors

Esurance AT&T IFC Mazda USA Monster Energy McDonalds logo CapitalOne logo PepsiCo logo Austin Chronicle

Music sponsor

Sonic Bids

Interactive sponsor

Phillips logo