How to Create Great Partnerships with Startups
Brands are tapping startups for groundbreaking initiatives in pursuit of incremental and transformative corporate innovation. Critical lessons from recent engagements will highlight some of the most important considerations and best practices to set these programs up for success, including:
Process: Developing an innovation process that is bespoke to the corporation, including preparing it to be nimble and flexible enough to work with startups.
People: securing investment and buy-in from key stakeholders, assembling a coalition of the right external partners and identifying the right internal champion.
Performance: Setting up a successful pilot with startups, identifying the right KPIs and measuring a pilot’s performance, how to determine whether an ongoing relationship makes sense and when to take equity in a company versus maintaining a commercial relationship.
Presented by KITE.
Cary Tilds
Chief Innovation Officer
Gina Squara
Dir Digital Strategy
Big Heart Pet Brands
Kayode Owens
Head of Strategic Partnerships
KITE Solutions Inc
Kayode is a digital strategy heavy hitter, previously heading up JP Morgan Chase’s Digital User Experience group, a team responsible for rapid mobile prototyping and piloting of new consumer experi...
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