2015 Schedule
Interactive: March 13–17  •  Film: March 13–21  •  Music: March 17–22

Going Slow to Go Fast: The Science of Scaling

Monday, March 16
5:30PM - 5:45PM

Austin Convention Center
Ballroom B
Austin Convention Center


Conventional wisdom says that to build a successful startup, you need to begin with the product and then scale by growing the business and nabbing market share.

But what if you took the opposite approach?

What if you prioritize gathering the essential elements of a strong and healthy business first and then used it as a platform to launch amazing products?

This is the strategy we’ve used at Porch.com and in 18 months, our newly launched startup has scaled from 25 employees to nearly 400 and raised $100 million in funding.

In this short talk, I’m going to explain the concept of how being deliberate (even slow) early can lead to scaling at a uniquely fast speed. Learn how thinking differently about a startup’s strategy can give young companies a durable advantage when entering large and competitive markets.


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Matt Ehrlichman



Matt is the founder and Chief Executive Officer for Porch. Prior, Matt was Chief strategy Officer at Active Network responsible for 85% of the P&L. Matt joined Active in 2007 and helped grow its re...

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