Well Hung Heart is a half American, half English Punk-Blues Garage-Rock band residing in Southern California and founded by Greta Valenti and Robin Davey in 2011. Though the two's early years were spent on opposite sides of the Atlantic, they have both found common ground in their passion for the raw honesty of music, delivered in its most unprocessed and unrestricted form. With a dose of Hendrix, and a nod to PJ Harvey, Well Hung Heart is just as comfortable channeling Nirvana as they are Leadbelly or Led Zeppelin.
Well Hung Heart’s uncompromising and raw live performances earned the band the Best Live Band Showcase Award at the 2014 OC Music Awards. Well Hung Heart have spent their first couple years in existence with high profile shows in the U.S. and overseas; appearing at prestigious venues such as London's O2 Academy, the Paradiso in Amsterdam, and numerous festivals including Rocklahoma, Center of the Universe Fes...
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Well Hung Heart is a half American, half English Punk-Blues Garage-Rock band residing in Southern California and founded by Greta Valenti and Robin Davey in 2011. Though the two's early years were spent on opposite sides of the Atlantic, they have both found common ground in their passion for the raw honesty of music, delivered in its most unprocessed and unrestricted form. With a dose of Hendrix, and a nod to PJ Harvey, Well Hung Heart is just as comfortable channeling Nirvana as they are Leadbelly or Led Zeppelin.
Well Hung Heart’s uncompromising and raw live performances earned the band the Best Live Band Showcase Award at the 2014 OC Music Awards. Well Hung Heart have spent their first couple years in existence with high profile shows in the U.S. and overseas; appearing at prestigious venues such as London's O2 Academy, the Paradiso in Amsterdam, and numerous festivals including Rocklahoma, Center of the Universe Festival, Warped Tour, The Legendary Buffalo Chip - Sturgis, Ink N’ Iron and the Make Music Festival in Pasadena, CA. The band has played alongside such diverse names as ZZ Top, Fitz & The Tantrums, Motley Crue, Young The Giant, Awolnation, Alice Cooper, Grimes, Grouplove and Cults.
Well Hung Heart’s rise has been completely self-propelled and boosted by their inventive audio-visual output via their YouTube Channel. The duo direct and produce their own award-winning music videos and TV Shows; including the award-winning web series “Made in 48”, in which two artists collaborate to create a new song and video in only 48 Hours. Well Hung Heart have managed to build a burgeoning fan base, both with their blistering live performances, and their creativity in the digital music age.
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