2015 Schedule
Interactive: March 13–17  •  Film: March 13–21  •  Music: March 17–22

AI MD: VHAs and the Future of Patient Care

Sunday, March 15
11:00AM - 12:00PM

JW Marriott
Room 201-202
110 E 2nd St

Virtual Health Assistants offer an unprecedented opportunity for patient care, one that will transform our approaches to healthcare and capabilities for prevention and treatment. VHAs have already proven to increase patient adherence, and provide real-time personalized feedback and tracking data that can save lives and adjust care to patients’ actual everyday circumstances.

Simply tracking health information is no longer enough for doctors or patients. Doctors are learning how to work and interpret VHA data to optimize their care and treatment, while patients are adjusting to interacting with and trusting VHA technology as a tool and partner in their healthcare. This presentation by Dr. Thomas Morrow looks at the current capabilities and deployments of VHAs across the industry, and what advancements in both the technology and our healthcare culture still need to be made as we move towards more integrated and personalized patient care.


#sxsw #FutureVHA


Thomas Morrow

Chief Medical Officer

Next IT

Dr. Thomas J. Morrow is the Chief Medical Officer at Next IT, maker of the virtual health assistant platform Alme for Healthcare. Author of “Tomorrow’s Medicine,” the longest running health care te...

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