Scala and Reactive Meet Up
There has been quite a hype around reactive application design lately in the Scala and Java communities around the world.
Applications are called reactive when they are event-driven, scalable, resilient & responsive: with the goal to deliver highly responsive real-time user experiences backed by scalable and fault tolerant services.
Meet up with Scala enthusiasts or beginners, evangelists of the reactive manifesto, functional programmers or other like-minded individuals to better understand the benefits around reactive programming, how to apply them to your needs and to discuss the challenges around it!
This is a great opportunity to brainstorm and discover how reactive application design can make your programming life more productive and how it will arm you to meet today's challenging demands for fast and super scalable web applications with minimal down-times.
Robert Preissl
Sr Platform Architect
Robert Preissl, originally from Austria, joined Ticketfly in 2012 as a Platform Engineer to work on the massively parallel reserved seating engine.
His professional interests include scalable back...
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