Hypo or Hacked?
In the last two years there has been a surge in connected healthcare technology. It seems like practically every device, from an insulin pump to contact lenses, will soon be able to share personal information with you, your primary care giver, or your loved ones.
How does that play out in the real world?
Jay Radcliffe is a Type I Diabetic security researcher whose dedication to the field of medical security extends to hacking his own insulin pump – an act which made him famous and jump-started a broader discussion about medical device safety.
Drawing from his years of research, Jay will share entertaining (and educational) stories of personal information gleaned from medical devices. He will also discuss his personal views when faced with the risks of bringing this technology into his own life – a reality that brought him to the brink of hospitalization and caused him to forego the convenience of a wireless-enabled insulin pump in favor of self injection.
Jay Radcliffe
Healthcare Security Researcher
In his fifteen years spent in the field of computer security, Jay Radcliffe has used just about every security device made within the last decade. He gained notoriety in 2011 for presenting groundb...
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