2015 Schedule
Interactive: March 13–17  •  Film: March 13–21  •  Music: March 17–22

Letting Go: Building Tech for People

Sunday, March 15
5:00PM - 6:00PM

JW Marriott
Salon D
110 E 2nd St


The role of design -- in its traditional definition -- is quickly blending into something more. Whether it’s the conception of a product, the physical and digital interplay between hardware and software or the ways we interact with a device, design has found a place next to C-level executives in the development process.

For the past seven years, James Park, CEO and Co-Founder of Fitbit, and Gadi Amit, the Founder of NewDealDesign have collaboratively designed Fitbit’s products. The merger of business and design perspectives transforms personalized technology. Design influences product development, and hardware and software are able to blend more seamlessly.

The redefining of design’s role is not just improving the collaboration between designers and CEOs; the effects are felt far wider. Devices become wiser; they fade into the background. Good, collaborative product design helps people connect and achieve things beyond what the technology itself allows.


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Gadi Amit

Founder, Principal Designer


Gadi Amit is a San Francisco based designer behind some of the most iconic technology devices created over the last decade, including the FitBit line, Lytro Camera and Google’s modular Ara phone. T...

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James Park at SXSW

James Park

CEO & Co-Founder


James Park is a serial entrepreneur with a passion for creating great products and companies. Fitbit is the third startup that he has founded. Previously, James was a Director of Product Developmen...

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