Events matching tag "recap"
Saturday, March 8
With so much going on at SXSW each day, it’s easy to miss some important bit of information that could end up changing the world. Join SXSW senior staff and special press guests to get their take on the important events,…
Jeffrey Dachis, Kathleen Maher, Loic Le Meur
Sunday, March 9
With so much going on at SXSW each day, it’s easy to miss some important bit of information that could end up changing the world. Join SXSW senior staff and special press guests to get their take on the important events,…
Erin Griffith, Hugh Forrest, Joshua Rubin, Michele Skelding
Tuesday, March 11
What were the top talks, tweets, trends, start-ups and parties? It’s impossible to absorb everything at SXSWi. So we dropped three energetic "beholders" into the field, documented their every move with borderline Orwelli…
Jesse Suchmann