Events matching tag "networks"
Friday, March 7
Trayvon Martin makes the headlines because black men are often portrayed as burdens, rather than assets to their communities. The Knight Foundation worked with Context Partners to help change this script, starting with D…
Charlie Brown, Donna Frisby-Greenwood, Shaka Senghor, Trabian Shorters
Sunday, March 9
People say "It's not what you know, it's who you know." But what if you don't know anyone? What if you didn't go to the right school? What if you're so outside the club, you didn't even know there *was* a club? As much a…
Nilofer Merchant, Rachel Sklar
Tuesday, March 11
A revolution is stirring in America. In the face of federal gridlock, economic stagnation and fiscal turmoil, power in the United States is shifting away from Washington to cities and metropolitan areas. With uncertainty…
Jennifer Bradley