Events matching tag "mobile marketing"
Friday, March 7
Marketers are confronting an “omnichannel” world where consumers consult multiple sources and screens, sometimes making buying decisions in minutes. Brands need to be in customer pockets to capture those impulses at all …
Keith Nyhouse, Pamela Naumes, Rachel Pasqua, Scott Carlis
It is not just app ads and direct marketing come ons. Mobile has already generated some wildly creative uses of the small screen and mobile technology’s unique attributes. We ask senior mobile ad execs to show us campaig…
Drew Neisser, Rob Griffin, Webster Lewin
Saturday, March 8
What is the future of responsive web design? With screen sizes and shapes evolving by the month, if not the moment (iPad mini, the 13-inch tablet, Google Glass), designers, developers and marketers need to rethink how th…
Chris Saint-Amant, Kerry Bodine, Mike Norman, Tim Hayden
Monday, March 10
In 2007 the iPhone mapped the frontier for smart devices; since then we’ve seen extraordinary devices pushing limits on how we interact with technology. From the release of tablets to smart cameras and more, the world ha…
David Rosales, Kieran Barr, Soulaiman Itani