Events matching tag "machine learning"
Friday, March 7 enables its 3 million users to send 5 billion email newsletters each month. The site is key to many nonprofits’ and small businesses’ efforts to stay in conversation with their audiences. MailChimp's succ…
John Foreman
Tuesday, March 11
CLE. This session will explore the legal and policy implications of the Internet of Things. It will be a legal primer on dealing with everything we touch being connected to the Internet, logged, analyzed, and improved. T…
Gerard Stegmaier
Wednesday, March 12
Music discovery used to be simple. Tastemakers, usually DJs, introduced us to new artists. Times have changed. Some argue that the advent of collaborative filtering and data mining has made it easier to find and discover…
Chris Becherer, Eric Bieschke, Ian Rogers, Marc Ruxin, Tim Quirk, Stephen White