Events matching tag "fashiontech"
Friday, March 7
Online retail is evolving from a simple shopping cart transaction to an end-to-end emotional engagement with one’s consumer base. While this is true for most industries, it is even more so the case when it comes to consu…
Ciara McKenna, Kim Knowles, Liz Bacelar, Liza Kindred
Sunday, March 9
As technology inhabits nearly ever aspect of our public and private lives it offers vast potential for new products, services, and interfaces. What happens when technology meets the body? Is the future of wearable tech…
Francesca Rosella, Ryan Genz
Monday, March 10
Technology is moving out of hands and onto our bodies. Whether it's the integration of Google Glass into your daily routine or the sleek elegance of the Pebble e-ink watch, technology is transitioning beyond simply being…
Billie Whitehouse, Jay Morgan, Nicole Forbes, Q Manning