Events matching tag "artificial intelligence"
Friday, March 7
Artificial intelligence has advanced to the point where it’s no longer just science fiction. Computers now perform intelligent tasks such as collect bridge tolls, drive cars, deliver newspapers, make and serve food, and …
George John
Saturday, March 8
Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new media professional. Please visit this URL t…
Mark Stephen Meadows
Sunday, March 9
For decades, government has been the primary funder of robotics and AI initiatives – from NASA projects to DARPA challenges and autonomous driving research. But recently, large companies such as John Deere and Amazon hav…
Dror Oren, Hanns Tappeiner, Liz Gannes, Tony Stentz
Monday, March 10
In the future, virtual health care won’t be a luxury for the wealthy, but a necessity as the demand for quality and timely care rises and health organizations go under more pressure to deliver better patient outcomes and…
Daphne Kis, Dr Timothy Bickmore PHD, Mitch Lawrence, Stacey Higginbotham
What are the biggest technological challenges facing today’s computer scientists? What new research is on the horizon, how will it change the way that we use computers, and what will the digital landscape look like in 10…
Andrew Lo, Daniela Rus, Russ Tedrake, Tim Berners-Lee