Do You Actually Know How to Engage a Millennial?
They're coddled, protected, and constantly connected - at least that's what the headlines read. But when it comes down to it, do you really know how to engage a MIllennial? Based on how most organizations market to and communicate with them, probably not. Something needs to change.
Millennials have different expectations for their involvement in social causes. In large part, millennials are post-institutional—they don’t rely on just government, just nonprofits, or just the private sector to influence change. They believe it takes a blending of sectors and approaches in order to make impact. Sure, they crave openness and transparency, but they have limited time, limited dollars and limited attention spans - so, if you're lucky enough to gain any of these things, you better know what to do with it.
You can either be part of this conversation, or you can let it leave you behind. Join us for some straight talk about how to really motivate Millennials.

Brian Reich
Managing Dir
little m media
Brian Reich is founder and managing director of little m media, an information strategy firm that helps individuals and organizations solve complex problems. He is well known for his expertise in new media, Web 2.0, social networks, mobile, community, ecommerce, brand marketing, cause branding, and more. Brian is the author of Shift & Reset: Strategies for Addressing Serious Issues in a Connected Society (Wiley, 2011) and co-author of Media Rules!: Mastering Today’s Technology to Connect with and Keep Your Audience (Wiley, 2007). I am also in the process launching a sports media startup -

Kari Dunn Saratovsky
KDS Strategies
Kari Saratovsky is Founder and Principal of KDS Strategies a social change consulting practice focused on organizational design, program execution, and Millennial engagement. She is co-author of Cause for Change: The Why and How of Nonprofit Millennial Engagement, and a contributor to Huffington Post's Impact Blog. An innovative and entrepreneurial leader, she has spent her career in the social impact sector directing national programs and cross sector alliances that advance social change. She served as Vice President of Social Innovation at the Case Foundation and Directed the President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation, a Presidential Council to expand volunteering and service across the country and around the world. She is currently Board Chair of, serves on the board of Repair the World, and is an advisor to the new social start-up FuseCorps and Millennial Action Project.