Complete event listing for
Wednesday, March 13

Elections are exciting but the policy process never ends. From effective copyright enforcement to protecting and growing the noncommercial radio infrastructure, to facilitating a competitive broadband marketplace, to ret…
, Jacqueline Charlesworth, Jessica Rosenworcel, Michael Bracy
Friday, March 15

In June 2012, a blog post by musician David Lowery set off a firestorm. Written to an intern at NPR who admitted to not having paid for the 11,000 tracks in her collection, the post generated more than a million views in…
David Lowery, East Bay Ray, Nakia , Daryl Friedman
Saturday, March 16
The fight over SOPA/PIPA was a Washington watershed: 15 million Americans contacted Congress and stopped laws that would have harmed online culture and innovation. Learn how to transform this victory into a strong, self-…
Jayme White, Julie Samuels, Laurent Crenshaw, Michael Petricone