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Wednesday, March 13
How are artists relying on their cliques to get noticed amongst the the clutter in hip hop culture?Look at past and present influential crews from the perspectives of those who cultivate, manage, brand, and expose these …
Jamal Henderson, Jeff Tammes, Karen Civil, Terrance Henderson, Tiffany Hardin
The Gang of Four's song from 1979 dramatized a person's lack of an authentic relationship with his culture. Last year in New Orleans, a second line in memory of "Uncle" Lionel Battiste seemingly included as many photogra…
Alison Fensterstock, Brian Boyles, Erika Goldring, Louis Michot, Alex Rawls
Thursday, March 14
EDM has exploded in the U.S.. After years of being a huge force in European music, what has made the music so popular here? Is it the fact that the industry has perfected tapping into the underground and bringing it to t…
Ken Jordan, Lee Anderson, Michael Cohen, Richard Bishop, Tim Smith, Jeff Pollack
The image of a black woman singing metal rock lyrics or riffing on a lead guitar is rare. The American music world is still at a loss on how to promote these women in a society where the categorization of music is still …
Kudisan Kai, Laina Dawes, MilitiA , Stefaniah McGowan, Sheila Jackson H
New Orleans roots music is one of America’s most enduing regional styles. The city’s brass band, funk and traditional jazz sounds continue to be a wellspring of inspiration and grounding for musicians of many genres, and…
Ben Jaffe, Jan Ramsey, Lefty Parker, Truth Universal, Wild Wayne, Scott Billington
Friday, March 15
EDM is undoubtedly the acronym of the moment, with headlines in every major publication, countless new festivals and events springing up. It has even been said that EDM saved the music industry from rock music's sinking …
Adellyn Polomski, Alex Chaykin, Danny Rogers, Marc Nicolas, Trevor Skeet, Sean Glass
Being a young metal band can be a struggle anywhere, but imagine doing it in a country where simply getting guitar strings can take six months, internet access is largely forbidden, the average monthly salary is about $4…
Alexander Sanchez Salazar, Michel Sanchez Salazar, Tracy Noelle Luz, David Peisner
The heavy metal boys' club has always made it a bit tougher for the so-called fairer sex to be accepted within the testosterone-fueled world of denim & leather, but women have been swinging guitars and screaming for veng…
Caryn Havlik, Laina Dawes, Mel Parsonz, Nathan Carson, Zeena Koda, Kim Kelly