A marrow-rattling new buzz-punk stuporgroup from Brooklyn
and parts nearby, featuring screamer, Eric Davidson (New Bomb Turks);
git-slinger Jami Wolf (Shop Fronts, Zodiac Killers); lead guitar boy
wonder, Dan-yell Kelley (Dead Ringers, Complaints, Paper Bags, and Re-
volts), drum-smasher, Greg Collins (Radio 4); and boss bass bender, Joi
Lacour, who is mulling over changing her name to “Jeez Louise.”
The band’s been a thing since spring 2011, but the latest and best
lineup has been going since February 2012. We’ve shared the beer-
spilled stage with the Spits, No Bunny, OBN IIIs, Acid Baby Jesus, Foster
Care, the Othermen, Night Birds, and loads more. Lookout for upcoming releases on Slovenly Records, Twistworthy Records, Oops Baby Records, Big Neck Records, and Goodbye Boozy Records!