Has Digital Music Made Indie Labels Go Mainstream?
Cloud-based streaming music providers have changed the way digital music is being consumed, and indie record labels are cashing in. Label executives are negotiating aggressively to make sure they profit from the shift to the cloud, where service providers are designing desirable services for a global audience, and giving artists increased access to new fans. The digital music space has enjoyed an explosion of options in recent months - some with "the big four" label support, some without - all with varying types of subscription models, technology investment and device capabilities. Hear about the strategies for these new business models, and how collaboration helps artists reach new fans around the world, offering independent labels increased exposure without sacrificing independence.

Matt Rosoff is the West Coast Editor for Business Insider. He wrote the Digital Noise blog on digital music for CBS Interactive from 2007 through 2010, and played bass in independent bands for about 15 years.

As Director of Licensing, Jez Bell heads up Omnifone’s team of licensing, publishing and label experts, expanding the portfolio of Omnifone’s innovative music services around the globe. Omnifone designs, builds, licenses and operates truly global and scaleable music services for major CE vendors including Sony with its multi platform Music Unlimited service and RIM with BlackBerry Messenger Music.
In late 2011 Omnifone launched rara.com in 20 countries, with more following this year. Omnifone services are licensed and live in 27 countries, with a target of 40+ by the end of the year.
Jez has over 20 years experience in copyright and digital licensing. He joined Omnifone from PRSforMusic, the UK collection society, where he was responsible for PRSforMusic’s Online, Mobile, Broadcast and Recorded Media licensing activity.

Anu Kirk is interested in media and technology. A musician since grade school, his early years were shaped by the Apple ][ computer, synthesizers, and rock music.
He attended Dartmouth College, studying electro-acoustic and modern music under Jon Appleton and Christian Wolff. Naturally, he graduated with a degree in economics.
Nearly a decade in Los Angeles came next: performing in bands, producing and engineering, dabbling in film and TV scoring, and designing professional audio products. One was awarded Musician Magazine's "Editor's Pick" and another was nominated for Mix Magazine's TEC award.
Anu has been involved with the Internet music business since 1999. He was one of the primary architects of Rhapsody, and led the Rhapsody iPhone team. He worked on music services at Liquid Digital Media for Wal-Mart. At MOG, he was responsible for launching MOG’s Android and iPhone apps (winner, Billboard “Best Streaming App” award in 2010, chosen as one of TIME’s 50 essential apps of 2011)
As a digital media consultant, he’s also made video games, designed virtual goods marketplaces for 3D avatars, and worked on integrating digital media platforms in virtual worlds.
One of the first to participate in the Duke University Talent Identification Program when it launched in the early 1980s, Anu has taught “A History of 20th Century Music” several times – a multi-disciplinary course which covers composition, art, recording technology, and history. He also created a companion educational CD-ROM, "Switched-On Sound".
Anu is currently Director of Music Services for Sony Network Entertainment.