This is the archived SXSW 2012 schedule. Please see the current schedule here.

Tour Design - Creating the Live Experience

#sxsw #tourdesign

What goes into creating an arena sized tour? Who designs the stages and how are all the visuals pulled off? Stage dive into the creative process behind designing a tour from concept to concert.



MODERATOR Jake Jorgovan Co-Founder Rabbit Hole Creative LLC

Jake Jorgovan is co-founder of Rabbit Hole Creative. He started the company out of his basement at the age of 15 and has grown it into a creative boutique shop that designs tours and events for artists and agencies.

Recent clients have included Cee Lo Green, Dolly Parton, Cirque du Soleil, Paramore, MUTEMATH, and Five Finger Death Punch.

Jake's passion lies in media creation. The fact that as one person, or a small team of people, it is possible to create a message to distribute to hundreds, to thousands, to millions of people, is what drives him in life.

follow the rabbit...

John Ingrassia GM Vector Management

Genell Canty Dir of Special FX Design Image Engineering

Ken Gay Tour Designer LMG Inc

Brett Tillett Image Engineering

Our Awesome 2012 Sponsors