SXSW CraftCamp Day 2
Are you a designer, maker, mover & shaker selling your goods online or off? If so, then stop by the first-ever SXSW CraftCamp to meet like-minded souls. With a full day of programming specifically developed for creative entrepreneurs who craft, make and/or sell products, SXSW CraftCamp will inspire and educate you for a more successful and productive year ahead.
How to Get the Attention You Deserve: Basic PR Strategies for Makers - Panel with Kelly Rand of Hello Craft, Grace Dobush of HOW Design and author of Crafty Superstar, Stephen Fraser of Spoonflower and Jared Loftus of College District
The Psychology & Philosophy of Premium Pricing - with Tara Gentile of Scout Creative Media and Adam King of Adam King Studio
How To Find Funding for your Design, Product or Fashion Line - a Workshop with Erica Labovitz of IndieGoGo
Fab or Not: Do Discount Sites Help or Hurt Independent Makers? Core Conversation with Grace Dobush author of Crafty Superstar and Jess Moss of Hotline Design Ink
4:30-6pm: CraftCamp Meet Up & Craft Happy Hour with Stitch Labs & Spoonflower

Willo O’Brien has made a career out of creativity. As an artist, social supercollider, and self-described geek for over a decade, Willo has a passion for empowering fellow creative entrepreneurs.
Willo’s online home since ‘99,, has served as a platform for selling her ‘geek meets rock ‘n roll’ product line, for showcasing her illustrations and designs, and as an outlet for her thoughts on business, technology, and work/life balance. In 2011 she premiered WilloToons Connect, a video series dedicated to discussing Creative Sustainability with other successful artists whose craft has evolved into a business.
Channeling her creative passion into a new venture, Willo is now Co-Founder and VP Marketing at Stitch Labs, a design-focused business tool for entrepreneurs who make and sell products. A perfect fit with her career and expertise, Willo is now able to support business owners with an elegant tech solution that helps save their precious time and energy, so that they can sustainably grow their business.
Willo can be found as @WilloToons on everything... say hello!