Android ≠ Android: Lessons Creating a JS Framework
JavaScript is indispensable for even moderate mobile web apps as only scripts enable user interaction and integrate on device capabilities like location, camera, onboard storage or database. But while the SDKs for Google™ Android™ or Apple™ iOS™ look like a single definition with the ability to adjust to different devices – reality is not that simple. The increasing importance of JavaScript adds a whole new layer of complexity to the yet excessive fragmentation in the mobile space.
In this presentation Netbiscuits shows its experiences with developing high end – and still multi device – mobile web apps providing rich user experience. We constantly enhance our cloud software service to enable rich user experience for mobile web apps cross-platform. Many of our lessons learned during the research for our rich mobile UX framework will be shared in this session.
Based on (code) examples attendees will get to learn about the power and limits of a framework, the pitfalls in architecture and design and the challenges of testing and QA in mobile. Furthermore, you will receive clear guidelines for deciding server- or client-side, which to use when.