Waste 2.0: 3 Ways Tech Is Making Waste a Resource
Organizations are spending time and money to become more sustainable but they are not leveraging new software and web technologies to maximize their positive environmental impact. This panel will discuss three ways technology is making waste a resource. Topics discussed will include the use of new technologies to manage waste and resources like other parts of the organization are managed. Enabling technologies for more transparency and reporting to help to solve environmental problems and create a more efficient eco-system. We will also discuss how knowledge sharing and collaboration across the enterprise and even competitors can create new and innovative solutions to environmental problems.

Chad is the Co-Founder of RecycleMatch - a sustainability software company focused on waste and recyclable management. He has twenty years of experience in operations, technology and management of growth companies including B2B internet marketplaces, SalvageSale where he was SVP Strategy & Operations, and Network International (Acquired by Liquidity Services – NASDAQ: LQDT) where he was COO. Most recently Chad founded Tru-Markets, an online marketplace for surplus and salvage assets. He also serves on the City of West University Recycling and Solid Waste Board.