Transforming Social Media for the Senior Community
Today 40 million people are over 65 - the largest and fastest growing demographic in America. With Baby Boomers retiring, over 10,000 people a day turn 65, a trend that will continue over the next decade. Americans age 50+ are increasingly likely to have a cell phone, a laptop or tablet, or a game console, and represent the fastest growing age segment to adopt to social networking and hypernet technology. What’s the opportunity? A connected lifestyle that blurs boundaries across home, work, leisure, and retirement, smoothly connecting our online and offline lives. Unfortunately, this tech-enabled lifestyle is not yet widespread among older age ranges, hampered by technology choices that are complex and difficult to use. To enable a connected living and social aging experience for older consumers, vendors need to begin to design for all, and entrepreneurs and the venture community need a more dynamic relationship with this huge and underserved growth market.

Brian is a serial entrepreneur and social media executive with over 20 years of experience with interactive media. During the late 90′s he founded an online venture that partnered with Digital Equipment Corporation to create, one of the earliest and still one of the most successful faith-based online communities. He has been a thought-leader dating back to 1999 when he authored the pioneering book, “Making the Internet Family-friendly,” for Thomas Nelson Publishers.
Brian is a champion of combining social media and health care for senior adults, is a speaker at senior living industry events, and authors for noted health care publications. His company provides a touchscreen and cloud-based social media and health care solution to senior living communities nationwide.