People-Powered: Technology and the Revolution
The people-powered revolution, fueled by the Internet and technology, is changing everything -- especially the worlds of activism, media and policy. Today, the conversation about the Internet’s role has never been louder or more distributed.
Activism, media and policy always have worked together. But thanks to the tools we now have and will continue to develop, their speed and influence are limitless. New technologies that strengthen the people-powered movement are emerging every day, giving individuals the tools they need to be heard.
Join us for a discussion about the latest technologies and how they are bolstering this revolution by empowering people to shape activism, media and policy.

David All is an Internet dreamer and storyteller. His vision and passion combine to create highly credible, effective and authentic social campaigns.
As a young politico in Washington, D.C., and on the campaign trail, David understood that the Internet was changing everything – the way we shop, share, work and communicate. He founded the David All Group in 2007, bringing his unique experience and expertise to corporate clients and trade associations.
The services and tools DAG has provided its clients under David’s leadership, including the platform that infuses gaming mechanics into online communications, have garnered awards and acclaim. DAG is expert at utilizing storytelling, curated content and social incentives to create brand activists. Conversations are in DAG's DNA.
With David’s guidance, DAG has continued to expand and serve more diverse and more global clients, including Fortune 100 brands and industry leaders from around the world. DAG has offices in Washington and San Francisco, bridging the worlds of Capitol Hill and advocacy with technology and capital investment.
David is a thought leader in social media, marketing and public relations. He founded the Activism + Media + Policy Summit (AMP Summit) and authored “The Essential Guide To Twitter,” and he is the visionary behind the Capitol Hill Tweet Watch Report, a daily snapshot of the most newsworthy, informative and entertaining tweets about federal policy.
David contributes to many publications and blogs, including PR Week, PR News, AOL’s The Huffington Post and OneNineNinety, DAG’s blog about brand activism and the revolution in social marketing.
David is a photographer, surfer, runner and storyteller who splits his time between San Francisco and Washington.

Pete Snyder is the CEO of Disruptor Capital, a Virginia-based seed and angel capital investment company focused on funding and growing disruptive technologies, ideas and entrepreneurs.
Prior to starting Disruptor, Pete was the Founder & CEO of New Media Strategies, the world's first and, currently, the largest social media marketing agency.
Snyder also served as President of Emerging Markets Group for Meredith Xcelerated Marketing, Meredith Corporation's full-service direct and digital marketing agency.
In his 12 years as CEO at New Media Strategies, Snyder built a blue-chip client base that featured some of the world's leading brands and corporations including ABC, Chrysler, Burger King Corporation, Coca Cola, CBS, Chanel, Disney, Dodge, Ford Motor Company, Jeep, HBO, McDonald's, The NFL Players Association, Northwest Airlines, Paramount Pictures, PepsiCo, RCA Records, Red Bull, Reebok, Revlon, Sci-Fi Channel, Sony, and USA Network, among many others.
He also built a winning corporate culture, and both Washingtonian Magazine and Washington Business Journal named New Media Strategies as one of the area's "Best Places to Work." Snyder was honored by Fortune Small Business for his innovative management-style when they named him 'Best Boss.' Additionally, Pete has been named a Tech Titan by Washingtonian Magazine twice and was featured on "The Power List" in 2011 by the Capitol File.
As a former pollster and nationally-known political media consultant, Snyder regularly appears as a commentator on the Fox News Channel and has served as a marketing expert on CNBC, "The News with Brian Williams," "The CBS Evening News," Fox News Channel's "Your World with Neil Cavuto," "Hannity," and "Fox and Friends."
A graduate of the College of William and Mary, Snyder serves on the Marketing Board of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, the Board of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, the Board of Trustees of Cushing Academy and the Board of Visitors for the College of William and Mary.
Last fall, Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell asked Pete to serve as the Chairman of the 2012 Virginia Victory campaign overseeing the Presidential, U.S. Senate and 13 Congressional campaigns efforts in the Commonwealth.
Pete and his wife, Burson, reside in Fairfax County, Virginia.