Financial Services & Technology Rockstar Women
Tweet, trade, and be fabulous doing it. Hear from global financial services and technology leaders, who happen to be women, how they use social media to drive innovation and change in this highly regulated industry. In an easy to understand format, you’ll learn what social media regulation means in the day-to-day workings of financial services organizations. Insights into the use of social data and measurement metrics to support and promote your organization’s foray into social media will also be offered. With smarts, humor and grace, this group will share their secrets of success, and will give you the essential tools you’ll need to be a Financial Services & Technology Rockstar in your own organization.

Prior to moving to London and joining Greenlight as the Director of Social Media, Anna served as the VP of Social Media for Citibank in North America and is credited with helping to create the initial roadmap and strategy for the brand’s social media presence. She has 8 years of experience, both personally and professionally, researching and leveraging Social Media channels and is a frequent speaker at Social Media & digital measurement events. A data geek at heart, Anna completed her master’s degree at Columbia University in Quantitative Methods in The Social Sciences with an emphasis in new media measurement.

Joyce Sullivan, social media leader and innovator, is Founder and CEO of SocMediaFin, Inc. a consulting firm providing social media strategy for financial services. Ms. Sullivan is on the advisory board of the Financial Women’s Association (FWA) and serves as their Chief Digital Strategist. Joyce has appeared on the national broadcast “Wall Street Week with Maria Bartiromo” Ms. Sullivan is a sought after speaker on the convergence of social media and ‘call-to-action’ in the financial services industry. With over 20 years experience as a Vice President with firms including, Citi, Credit Suisse, JPMorgan Chase, and Wells Fargo/First Fidelity, Ms. Sullivan brings a seasoned industry perspective and experience to the emerging world of social media. She holds a Masters in Business Administration from Baruch College, City University of New York in International Finance, Bachelor of Arts in Education from Saint Joseph College, Connecticut, USA and the Project Management Professional (PMP) designation from the Project Management Institute.

Elizabeth Lumley is an American, UK-based journalist who has been covering international financial data and technology for the past 18 years. She currently works at Finextra, a newswire covering banking and financial technology.

At 17 I joined the workforce as a taxi driver and remember my roots well, (and of course expect to be tipped too..). It took a stint with IBM, then a software developer in Vancouver, Canada along with some time perfecting sandwich artistry, before I moved to the IT security market some (ahem) years ago, where I joined the management, then main board of a UK security and storage reseller, floated the company on AIM, acquired a few others and then sold it.
After taking a few months to renovate an 1850's cottage, race a yacht from the Canaries to the Caribbean. selling the contents of the loft on ebay, and reading the library dry of everything and anything, I headed once, more, dear readers, back into the IT industry..
Spending some four years of delivering the marketing of the Unified Communications and Social Network enabling solutions for FaceTime (now Actiance) in Europe and Asia Pacific, I then relocated to California, taking on the challenge of VP Marketing - and a rebrand, as we formally changed our name from FaceTime Communications, Inc. to Actiance on January 25th, 2011
I'm a regular visitor to our customers helping them with social media strategy, policy and best practices within their industry sectors.
Whether it’s racing a yacht across the Atlantic, finding the hardest way down a mountain on skis, or working with the Actiance team to drive more opportunities, then you can expect it all with passion, vigor, imagination, and a highly competitive spirit..

A Kiwi girl comes to Texas! I'm currently working for NZ's ASB Bank and am responsible for the award winning Virtual Branch on Facebook and social media teams. I've had over 10 years experience in the financial services industry, and passionate about all things digital and social.