How to Raise Awareness Through Blogger Outreach
Emotion drives action. This session will address how bloggers can lend their voices to raise awareness about a cause, help with fundraising or spread the word about a campaign. We will explore how non-profits can benefit from the power and reach of bloggers world-wide by highlighting successful case studies as well as talk with bloggers who have created non-profits as a result of their passion and dig into what works and what doesn’t. If you are a blogger or non-profit interested in making that connection we can help.

I am the National Director of the Pregnancy & Newborn Health Education Center at the March of Dimes. Under my leadership, The Center provides information in both English and Spanish via tradional written and online inquiries as well as social networking.
I am heavily vested in new media leading the social media mission messaging team: tweeting on @marchofdimes, and @babytips as well as managing the blogging team for News Moms Need and Nacersano blog. I give webinars, workshops and speaks at many conferences on the benefits of social media and the need to engage the public as well as the importance of Hispanic Outreach. I also hosts the monthly #pregnancychat anf #preemiechat on Twitter.
I have an MLS degree from Rutgers University, an MA in history and an archival certificate from New York University. My BA is in Spanish from Ohio State University.

Debbie is the co-founder of and one of the bloggers behind recognizes bloggers who effectively use social media for social good.
Debbie is a partner at Element Associates, where she leads online marketing, affiliate marketing and social media initiatives for their clients, and the Social Media Director at Child's Play Communications.
Debbie graduated Magna Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa from Yale University with a Bachelors and Masters in History.

Katherine was named among the top ten most influential mom bloggers by Babble in 2011. She is the creator of Postpartum Progress, the most widely-read blog on postpartum depression.
Katherine was chosen by WebMD as a 2008 Health Hero, recognizing individuals who overcome challenges and help transform healthcare. Additionally, she won the 2010 Bloganthropy Award, given for using social media to make a difference, and a 2011 Media Award from Mental Health America, given for outstanding coverage and portrayals of mental health issues during the previous year.
Katherine has shared her story openly and written about PPD as a contributing expert for BlogHer, as well as for PBS’ This Emotional Life website. She has appeared in videos on postpartum depression for and iVillage, and her supportive words have appeared on The Today Show’s website and ABC’s Million Moms Challenge.
Katherine is also the founder of Postpartum Progress Inc., a national nonprofit focused on vastly improving the support and services for women with perinatal depression. Additionally, she is a parenting news writer at Strollerderby.

Kristine Brite McCormick was drafted into her current work as a change agent for newborn health. At only five days old, her daughter Cora died suddenly and unexpectedly in her arms from an undetected congenital heart defect. She went on a mission to use her journalism and web background to make sure no other mother finds out about congenital heart disease from the coroner. She successfully advocated to pass screening for CHD in Indiana, largely depending on her social networks to drive the change. She's currently helping other parents do the same in their states. Cora's Story has been featured on CNN, Parents Magazine, Babble and countless other sites. She lives in Indianapolis with her husband.