OMG Your RFP Is Killing Me
RFPs are like online dating. The WORST KIND of online dating. Imagine an online dating experience where all users have uniform information provided, one picture (and there's no telling how old it is...), a host of clinical, antiseptic statistics and data, and from that information, you have to select a date and commit to more than just one rendezvous. You have to commit to 6 months of dating.
This is what RFPs do. They take vendors and strip them of their individuality in the hopes of surfacing an illusion of an apples to apples comparison. Stripping creative firms of their creativity while presenting their capabilities and their work, is like trying out a new starting pitcher by asking him to write an article about Steve Carlton.
There has to be a better way. In this panel, business development professionals will speak to the RFP process and other options. Ways to circumnavigate an RFP will be discussed. Creative alternatives will be outlined and the strengths and weaknesses of RFPs will be analyzed. If you are building an RFP now, this is your intervention. If a project looms on the horizon, learn about your options. If you like a good war story, we'll be comparing scars like Robert Shaw and Richard Dreyfuss in Jaws.
Let's start architecting a better process. Let's provide a solution that maximizes creatives' capabilities and speaks to clients' requirements, all while building a project team that collaboratively launches an amazing result.

Joe Rinaldi is Happy Cog’s Business Development Director. He is a relationship manager with a background in design, a passion for user centered solutions, and a lifelong dedication to community development. His professional background spans interactive marketing, recruiting, freelance illustration, teaching, and user experience consulting. He’s had the good fortune to partner with Fortune 500 brands in the pharmaceutical, communications, financial services, insurance, retail/e-commerce, and chemical industries.

Todd Nienkerk has been involved in the web design and publishing industries since 1996. Since that time, he has designed and built countless websites and written for, edited, and managed several online and print publications. Although Todd's interests focus primarily on visual design and user experience, his strong background in development allows him to contribute to virtually any creative or technical task. As an active member of several open-source communities, Todd regularly speaks at Drupal events and participates in code sprints all over the world. Todd is a member of the Drupal Documentation Team and is currently serving as the DrupalCon global chair for all design, user experience, and theming tracks.