The Accidental Creative
For creatives in today's workplace, it sometimes feels like the mandate is "make it brilliant, or start working on your resume." At the same time, creativity often seems like some mystical, elusive force that sits somewhere between prayer and the US Tax Code on the ambiguity scale - either the creative juices are flowing, or they're not. How can creatives be held responsible for something that often seems beyond their control?
The good news is that by making small changes in a just few key areas of your life, it's possible to increase your chances of having brilliant ideas when you need them most. By addressing the dynamics of workplace creating, the assassins of creativity, and five key practices for creatives, this session will set you up to be prolific, brilliant and healthy in life and work.

Todd is founder of Accidental Creative and author of The Accidental Creative: How To Be Brilliant At a Moment's Notice.