Seafood Watch vs. Yelp: Future of Social Food
World food systems hang in a balance--the latest tech only hints at what’s coming. Consider the future of social tools with us, using a seafood lens. DNA testing, barcode scanning, big data and ubiquitous computing mean we can hack the food system like never before. Corporations have yet to provide consumers with tools to understand the impacts of our food choices. This is a change that we will have to lead. Let’s build it today. The open food system will be social. Disruption from a social food system may be as powerful as social media has been in the media world. We can demassify food like social tools have demassified media. Just as we have increasingly turned to the web to learn about—and influence—world and local events, so too we will turn to an open and social food system, managed online, to learn about and acquire food.

Upon graduating from design school at Ohio State University, Nicolas Weidinger co-founded Cobego, an industrial design startup that specializes in making ideas come to life. In the summer of 2011, he moved to San Francisco to expand his horizons and to participate in the IFTF intership program. Though he spent most of the summer mumbling about boats in space, IFTF decided to keep him. Now Nicolas spends his time developing Artifacts from the Future and investigating novel technologies/experiences. Outside of IFTF, he enjoys playing video games, tinkering with matter replicators, and designing an underwater research facility.

Rachel Weidinger loves saving the world, binder clips, canning jars, the ocean, and her tiny home in San Francisco. She builds trust through authentic communications for social entrepreneurs doing good work. Rachel is a marketing and communications generalist with a fondness for the internet--especially social media.
In October 2011, she began the startup project Upwell. The ocean is our client. We're a team of innovators born & constituted online. We amplify stories, fly the ocean flag, and make change.
Rachel thinks about Handheld Awesome Detectors a lot. And paints portraits of people through the foods they choose to eat, a series called We Are Very Hungry.
All day, everyday she's an attention philanthropist on twitter: @rachelannyes.