Sparking Real World Action with Social Media
Join this fun, interactive core conversation and learn best practices and practical tips for using your social media voice to spark social action in the real world. Whether you care about supporting local schools, raising money for your Cause, or mobilizing your friends and neighbors for a service project or to respond to a community crisis -- this conversation is for you.You'll be working on teams to spark real world action right from the session room at SXSW. There will be fabulous prizes for the winning teams.This session is for anyone interested in being a change agent or standing up for a cause, and for formal and informal service and nonprofit leaders.

Vice President for Interactive Strategy at Points of Light Institute and HandsOn Network.

CEO & Founder of VolunteerSpot, an online coordination tool and brand engagement platform that saves busy moms time and powers volunteering at local schools, faith groups and community nonprofits.