Sharing: A Window into the Human Psyche
Like the proverbial tree falling in the forest, content might as well not exist if there's no one to acknowledge it. Every time you "Like" that cute cat video, tweet the latest controversial current event, or share an awesome deal with a friend, you validate the existence of that content. If it's shared, it matters, has value and is impactful. Luckily for content publishers – be it a media conglomerate or just that kid who wants you to share a YouTube video of him reenacting Britney's "Oops!…I Did It Again" – you're also engaging in a behavior that's hard-wired as a basic human impulse. We love to share, but we're a selective bunch.
So how do web publishers compel us to share and what makes certain content irresistible? And how do brands tap into the immense power of sharing? We'll dive into examples of hyper-shareable content and examine how sharing provides insight into broader human behavioral patterns. Finally, we'll discuss how sharing is radically democratizing the way we think about spheres of influence. With sharing, everyone is important in the sharing economy. So instead of one person sharing with 1,000 friends, it’s more important that 1,000 people share just once. Virality doesn’t matter because everyone is an influencer.

Kurt Abrahamson is the CEO of ShareThis. Prior to joining the company, Kurt served as CEO of, a leader in online display advertising, which was acquired by LivingSocial. Prior to, Kurt worked for Google where managed the direct sales channel for publishers and helped lead the global launch of Google AdSense as Director of the Content Media Group. Abrahamson also served as the Director of Global Sales & Operations Strategy and as Director of Sales Operations for North America. Before joining Google, Kurt served as Chief Operating Officer of Jupiter Communications and as President of Jupiter Media Metrix, where he helped build their business from a small 12-person group to 520 employees worldwide, establishing Jupiter as one of the leading Internet research organizations. Kurt received his Bachelor of Science in communications from Cornell, and a Master's degree in public policy from Harvard.