Flash: F Bomb or Da Bomb?
Flash. For some, it’s Da Bomb—the Holy Grail of interactive web design. For others, it’s the F Bomb—the virtual thorn in their web experience. Flash has been, for years, a tool programmers have gone to in order to create a more interactive online experience. However, those who are blind/visually impaired and SEO experts have long railed against Flash’s usability issues. Screen readers can’t read it, and neither can Google when Flash is improperly programmed. Join our panelists for a lively discussion on Flash—from the frustrations encountered by the blind to the developer’s belief that it’s THE tool to have in their arsenal. Phillip Gross, a blind, life-long technology geek; Kristine Schachinger, SEO and accessibility expert and owner of SitesWithoutWalls.com; and David Greene, owner of Creative Spark and long-time programmer, will discuss the benefits and disadvantages of using Flash. Anyone who interacts with Flash should attend this debate on how to use and how not to use Flash.

Lover of all things marketing and tandem cycling related, passionate about web accessibility

David is the rare interactive professional who can shift effortlessly between the worlds of entertainment and commerce. Early in his career he designed games for Aerosmith, was a co-founder of Tribeca Interactive (a division of Robert DeNiro’s film production company) and was designated a “Multi-Media Guru” by Entertainment Weekly. More recently, David’s work has been focused on developing award winning interactive media for some of the world’s most recognizable brands - including Sprint, Ebay, McAfee & Logitech.

Technology lover, avid reader and tandem cyclist