Pitching Start Ups to Ad Agencies and Clients
The start up scene continues to thrive. You may have got funding and you may have an awesome product but how will you make those first key partnerships with clients and ad agencies? This is new territory for many blue chip clients and most ad agencies. They know they need to play in the start up space but they are afraid. All you guys are much younger, and cooler, you don't wear suits so how can we take you really seriously? How will I know whether you are the next FourSquare or the next pets.com? The panelists will be able to share all their different viewpoints. We have an investor and incubator, we have a recently funded start up making their first deals, we have an ad agency and we have the all important client who is making those purchasing decisions for her brand. We will hear from all of the panelists and then invite any start ups in the audience that would like some advice to ask questions. All the panelists are used to talking freely about the subject rather than inflicting death by powerpoint.

John Laramie is the President, CEO and Founder of ADstruc, the technology platform for the outdoor advertising industry, where he oversees all of the company’s business operations and sales. He graduated from Loyola University of Maryland with a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration and Concentration in Marketing. John, a two-time entrepreneur, is an active member of the New York Tech Community and enjoys playing ping pong and tennis.
John was also featured in Business Week's Best Young Tech Entrepreneurs 2011 and Silicon Alley's 2011 and 2010 Top 100 People in NYC Tech.
In 2007, John started his own consulting agency, the JFL Group, where he helped develop the brand behind Naked Ping Pong, the group that is now known as SPiN New York (www.spinyc.com), a 13,000-square-foot table tennis social club.
Previously, John worked at The Beanstalk Group, the world’s leading brand licensing agency. In his 4 years with the company, he carried out strategic licensing programs that generated over $400 million a year in retail sales on behalf of Ford Motor Company, NBC Universal, Harley-Davidson and Nestle Purina, among others.