The State of PR 2.0 Industry in Mexico
The Association of PR Professionals in Mexico (ProPR) groups all PR professionals, consultants and agencies. Every year, ProPR conducts and publishes a research on the local industry. This is the first year that a PR2.0, social media or digital communications research will be included, along with the collaboration of the Social Media Club Mexico. Our intention is to present the digital addendum in SXSW to provide a big picture of how digital communication and social media industry is developing in our country, as well as analyze main challenges and opportunities for the immediate future. This is an excellent opportunity for all PR and digital communications professionals and companies who have presence in Mexico to take a general overview of Mexican industry.

Oscar is Senior Business Leader in Ogilvy PR Mexico, where he is responsible for the 360 Digital Influence business. He has strong experience developing communication and PR strategies; integrating an understanding new media into broader public relations programs.
Oscar has a Masters degree in Enterprise Communication with specialty in Digital Technologies, from the Pompeu Fabra University, in Barcelona, Spain. He is an active member of the Social Media Club in Mexico City, responsible for the Public Relations Committee.
Currently, Oscar teaches the Social Media module in the IAB Mexico and ITESM Monterrey Interactive Marketing course and writes a weekly column in Merca 2.0, top marketing magazine in Mexico.