Lightweight NLP for Social Media Applications
Social media includes lots of free-form textual data in "natural languages", the languages people speak. Natural Language Processing (NLP) helps you analyze that data. Some NLP problems are very hard, but a number of lightweight NLP techniques are available in open-source tools. You can use these to improve your social media applications, even if you're not a computational linguist. In this session, I will introduce some of these techniques and tools, and I will give hints on getting started using NLP in your social media applications. Many NLP techniques require training corpora, sets of annotated documents. I will talk about constructing and maintaining a training corpus. And, I will talk about some of the ways we use NLP at Lithium Technologies.

Bruce has a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and has published research in AI, graph algorithms and logic programming. For over a decade, he has been finding useful information in messy, user-generated data at Softface, Yahoo, Scout Labs and Lithium Technologies. In his spare time, Bruce works out with Russian kettlebells and trains chickens.