The Social Network for Computers
In today's connected world, we humans are always on, always ready to switch to the next task at hand -- and *in* hand, on a multitude of powerful devices. Soon there will be up to a trillion connected devices on the Internet. To power the resulting massive computational need, our entire computer infrastructure is being redesigned. Moore's Law is not enough anymore. The requirements of new media on a global scale can only be supported by a powerful "Social Network for Computers" -- aka the Cloud. Through the cloud, servers quickly switch from one task to another, making efficient use of idle compute, storage and networking resources. Cloud computing is "fungible" - dynamically expanding and contracting to meet the world's compute load, and it is the only way to serve the growing Internet.
For those who are developing new innovative services, this emerging social network for computers means new challenges, new choices and new opportunities. In this talk we look into these changes and what they mean for the next generation of social and mobile apps and services.

Marten Mickos is CEO of Eucalyptus Systems, the leader in open source cloud computing platforms for on-premise use.
Previously as CEO of MySQL AB, Marten grew that company from a garage start-up to the second largest open source company in the world. After the acquisition by Sun Microsystems of MySQL AB, he served as Senior Vice President of Sun's Database Group.
Marten holds a M.Sc. in technical physics from Helsinki University of Technology in his native Finland. He is a recipient of the Audemars Piguet "Changing Times Award: European Entrepreneur of the Year 2006" and the Nokia Foundation Award.