Why Invest in Health Tech?
Why Invest in Health Tech? Education, Inspiration, and Funding Advice for (Social) Health Tech Startups. This session is sponsored by Health 2.0 and Boehringer Ingelheim

Shwen is currently VP of Digital Health at Edelman’s NYC office, where he is responsible for leading and developing the digital health offerings and expertise within the Health Practice.
Shwen's experience was forged on the "client-side" of pharmaceutical marketing, where he most recently led Digital Strategy and Social Media for Vertex Pharmaceuticals and launched an award winning disease education website. During his pharma tenure, he contributed to the launch of over three Rx brands.
Shwen is also heavily involved in healthcare and social media (#hcsm) . He founded Social Health (SXSH) - an unconference and movement - which led to the adoption of a health track at South by Southwest (SXSW). He also founded PharmaFresh.TV, Social Pharmer Network, Med 2.0 Blog, and is a prolific Twitterer.
Shwen speaks regularly at various industry events, sits on a variety of advisory boards, and provides strategic counsel to various organizations. He has co/chaired the Digital Pharma East conference since 2009 and currently sits on the advisory board for the Digital Health Coalition; Medical, Marketing and Media; and the SXSW Health Track. He has also advised such organizations as AIDS.gov and IAmBiotech.