Mentor Session: Rob Wu
A new addition to SXSW Interactive 2012, Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new media professional. Please visit for more information on Mentor Sessions or visit this URL to sign up for this Mentor Session -

Founder at CauseVox, an innovative online fundraising platform that empowers non-profits to easily design their own fundraising sites for campaigns and personal/team fundraising.
Co-created SXSWCares/SXSW4Japan, a campaign that raised over $120,000 in 10 days at SXSW (this awesome conference). It was recognized by the Mayor of Austin and featured in the NYTimes, CNN, Forbes, and AdAge.
I spend my free time helping NGOs abroad solve social problems more effectively via pro bono. Unfortunately, I am also a Certified Public Accountant (beancounter).