Creating Relationships That Matter
Successful business depends on successful relationships. While a social media strategy may contribute to success, it is never the primary reason for success or failure. Wherever you fall on the spectrum of many-to-many all the way to one-to-one, you need more than a social network. The interactions leading up to that “magical handshake” often occur behind the scenes, not on social media platforms. Converting contacts from your social network to your personal network creates the momentum that leads to lasting value. Better still, capitalizing on the orbital, or extended, networks of those in your personal network allows you to extend your reach beyond those whom you know to those whom you need to know…and those who stand to benefit from an awareness of you and what you have to offer. Organized, disciplined contact management that helps you make the most of the details you learn about people. In any field, those little details don’t mean a lot—they mean everything! Mike Muhney will share how to find opportunities to reach out to the people in your network—and the people in their networks—in ways that offer true value to others. He’ll provide practical tips on making your personal networks, well, personal.

Co-Founder & Co-Creator of ACT!, the product that created the entire Contact Management category. Now as CEO & Founder of VIPorbit, bringing Mobile Relationship Management combined with social media integration to the mobile world of smartphones and tablets.