How the Austin Region Supports Technology Companies
The public and private sector have employed various strategies to bring more established tech companies as well as more startups to the Central Texas area. Find out what factors have been most successful (and least successful) in this push to position Austin as the nation's top new media hub.

Susan Davenport is the Senior Vice President of Global Technology Strategies for the Austin Chamber of Commerce in Austin, Texas. In her current role she manages the Greater Austin Technology Partnership (GATP) whose mission is to develop and implement the strategies designed to improve Austin’s global competitive position for technology innovation. Encompassed in these duties is the development and execution of the region’s overall existing industry program, Portfolio Austin, which serves business interests in the five county Austin-Round Rock MSA. In addition Susan serves as the Program Manager for the Central Texas Regional Center for Innovation and Commercialization, a virtual organization housed and managed by the Austin Chamber of Commerce, which focuses on the commercialization of disruptive technologies within a fifteen county, Central Texas region. Over the past six years the initiative has assisted 32 regional companies with garnering over $57 million of investment and regional universities and research entities an additional $30 million of funding from the State of Texas Emerging Technology Fund.
During her eleven years at the Chamber Susan has been actively involved with general economic development duties for the greater Austin region, as well as strategy development and implementation for emerging industry sectors. Prior to joining the Chamber Susan worked in both the medical and legal fields in the Houston and Austin areas.
Susan was raised in Tupelo, Mississippi, and holds an undergraduate degree from The University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, Texas. She also graduated with a Master of Public Affairs from The University of Texas at Austin – Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs.
In addition to her current activities Susan has previously served on the Board of Directors for the Breast Cancer Resource Center and the Central Texas Chapter of the American Heart Association in Austin. She is also a past member of the Seton Forum of the Seton Family of Hospitals. Currently she is serving on the Board of Directors for the Capital Area Workforce Development Board. Susan is an avid runner and enjoys reading and writing in relation to current events.