Tweak Your Talk (A Cranky Talk Workshop)
Who gives a crap that you spoke at South By Southwest? It only counts if you crush it. We created the Cranky Talk Workshops a couple of years ago in a dedicated effort to eradicate mediocre conference presentations and now we’re bringing our six-pack of kickass to Austin. If you want to test drive your SXSW panel or solo presentation in front of a critical, but highly supportive workshop audience, consider participating in this intense event. (You must sign up in advance at And if you’re speaking at another conference soon after SXSW, we can help with that, too. Just stop by during the workshop with your prepared presentation and get some Cranky one-on-one coaching. (No advance sign-up required.) What’s the deal is with all this Crankiness? Cranky means that we don't waste our time or the time of others. It means that we have no patience for bullshit so feedback is direct and blunt. You have been warned.