An unidentified protagonist approaches a dreary office building. Inside the building sits a high-up business man signing papers. He finishes up. The hero infiltrates the building seamlessly. It is clear that he has had intense training involving tactical weapons and hand-to-hand combat. When the hero reaches the business man, he flees. The hero pursues the business man. A fist fight ensues as the hero has run out of ammo. After the business man is bested and brought to the ground, the hero reaches into his foe’s jacket, retrieves the envelope he was seeking, and finishes the job.
Director(s): Cole Martin, Josh Willis
Executive Producer(s): Dennis Butterworth
Producer(s): Cole Martin
Screenwriter(s): Josh Willis
Cinematographer: Cole Martin
Editor(s): Josh Willis
Production Designer: Josh Willis
Sound Designer: Josh Willis
Music: Pro Scores Video Copilot
Principal Cast: Jeremiah James, Drew Pettifor, Catherine Busch, Jonathan Friedrich, Mathew Silkwood, Josh Willis, Cole Martin, Devin Engle, Steve Cline
Director Bio
Cole Martin is a high school senior with college level vision. He spends all spare time out with his T3i filming and dreaming up new innovative ideas. Josh Willis has an eye for film and a passion for perfection. His creations have won numerous awards and competitions across the country.
Public Film Contact
Dennis Butterworth
Cypress Lakes High School
5750 Greenhouse RD