Upon becoming the father to triplets, filmmaker Avi Zev Weider explores the nature of technology. Woven together with expert interviews and portraits of people who have intimate relationships with technology, "Welcome To The Machine" takes the conversation away from the business of technology or the latest gadgets and leads the audience to ultimately consider questions of life and death, revealing that all discussions about technology are really about what it means to be human.
Welcome To The Machine
Director(s): Avi Zev Weider
Producer(s): Avi Zev Weider
Cinematographer: Derek Wiesehahn
Editor(s): Ann Husaini, Avi Zev Weider
Sound Designer: Tom Paul
Music: Michael Montes
Additional Credits: Co-Producers: Kent Osborne, Michael Sean Anderson, Scorpio Entertainment
Director Bio
Avi Zev Weider’s short film, "I Remember", premiered at the 1998 Sundance Film Festival. With Loop Filmworks, Avi produced over fifty spots for clients like HBO and Bravo. Avi is also the producer of the documentary "Danland", and the writer/director of the Sloan Foundation supported project "Zeros and Ones".
Public Film Contact
Avi Zev Weider
Loop Filmworks
647 Carroll Street