A stuffy, upscale dinner party is interrupted by the zombie apocalypse in this gory black comedy.
Zombie Chic 3D
Director(s): Todd Cobery
Producer(s): Todd Cobery, Scott Ferril
Screenwriter(s): Todd Cobery
Cinematographer: TJ Schwingle
Editor(s): Scott Ferril
Production Designer: Ryan Tallant
Sound Designer: Ken Chastain
Music: Mark Mallman, Levi Brown
Principal Cast: Hope Moy, Rich Kronfeld, David Tufford, Alyssa Szarkowski
Director Bio

Todd Cobery is a filmmaker and producer whose latest short film, "Good Morning, Beautiful" premiered at SXSW in 2011 and screened all over the world at festivals such as Fantasia and Sitges. His latest feature film as a producer, "Stuck Between Stations" premiered at Tribeca in 2011.
Public Film Contact
Todd Cobery
Last House Films