“Films for the Forest” is an annual international short film contest created by Austin-based non-profit Rainforest Partnership. “Films for the Forest” is committed to raising awareness for rainforest protection, building relationships with other organizations and businesses, and providing opportunities for festival attendees to engage in discussions about tropical rainforests, sustainability and climate protection. In previous years, “Films for the Forest” has received film submissions spanning the globe, been judged by an impressive list of award-winning filmmakers, and raised funding for Rainforest Partnership’s projects with forest communities in Ecuador and Peru. Visit www.RainforestPartnership.org to learn more about ongoing projects.
SXSW Community Screenings: Rainforest Partnership
Director(s): Rainforest Partnership - Various
Director Bio
Rainforest Partnership presents 'Films for the Forest' - an annual short film competition featuring winning Directors from around the globe. Rainforest Partnership is an Austin-based, international non-profit organization focused on protecting tropical rainforests. RP partners with communities in Latin America to help develop sustainable economic alternatives to deforestation.
Public Film Contact
Maurine Winkley
Rainforest Partnership
505 Willow Street