Selling the Stories: The Art of The Trailer
Trailers are a unique form of advertising. The product is not a car or a shampoo. It's a story. And sometimes, that's a huge problem.
Drawing on two decades of experience, Mark Woollen, creator of trailers from Schindler’s List to The Social Network, and Myles Bender, Senior Vice President of Creative Advertising for Focus Features, will examine how audiovisual advertising persuades consumers to see specialty films.
When a film has a complicated plot or explores a subject matter with limited commercial appeal, creating a trailer that conveys enough narrative and emotional content to attract ticket-buyers is a challenge. With the presentation of case studies, this workshop will show you how studios have convinced movie-goers to see films that lack obvious marketing hooks.
The presenters will also reflect on experiences that have shaped their careers, and share advice on making a living, and trying not to lose your mind, in the trailer game.
There will be ample time for Q&A after the talk.

Mark Woollen has created advertising campaigns for the most celebrated films of the past twenty years, from “Schindler’s List” to “The Social Network.” Recent campaigns include “The Tree of Life”, “Moneyball”, and “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.” In 2010 Mark founded i-Trailers a company that expands trailers to a new dimension by making them interactive.

Myles Bender is a Senior Vice President of Creative Advertising at Focus Features. During his ten years with the studio, he has overseen audiovisual campaigns for many high-profile, Academy Award-nominated films, including The Pianist, Brokeback Mountain, Atonement, The Kids Are All Right and Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. Myles has also worked on campaigns for successful genre and animated releases, such as Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, 9 and Coraline. His most recent project was the trailer for Wes Anderson’s Moonrise Kingdom.