The Power of Super 8 Film
From a format that was invented to shoot home movies in the 1960’s, Super 8 filmmaking continues to grow as an irreplaceable production medium to filmmakers who want to demonstrate “analog filmmaking” in a digital era.
The Power of Super 8 Film will give you the inside skinny on how filmmakers can take modern film stocks, rebuilt and modified Super 8 cameras, and the very best scanning equipment in the industry and create timeless, organic Super 8 images in HD quality. See examples of 35mm theatrical releases, music videos, cutting edge weddings, independent films and more all using modern Super 8 workflows.
Whether you are new to filmmaking, been around for awhile shooting on the Red, a wedding videographer who has thought about shooting some Super 8 at your next gig, a film school graduate who never actually shot on film, or someone who has taken the journey before and needs an update, this session is for you.

Phil Vigeant has centered his professional career pushing Super 8 to its max potential. Among his numerous accomplishments, he is best known for inventing hybrid products such as Super 8 negative film, 16x9 camera gate modifications and crystal sync sound for the professional use of Super 8 filmmaking. His company, Pro8mm, serves as a worldwide resource for hundreds of professional projects using Super 8 film in HD quality for television, motion pictures, music videos, commercials, independent features, documentaries, and archiving of legacy footage.