Listen to Look on the Bright Side
Levek is the multifaceted project bearing the surname of front man, songwriter and musical jack-of-all-trades, David Levesque. After bouncing around the Florida peninsula, spending time in Orlando and St. Augustine, Levesque settled in Gainesville. It was here that Levek was able to push his creative boundaries, resulting in the debut full-length album, 'Look A Little Closer' (Lefse Records).
Sonically, Look A Little Closer is the amalgamation of the tenderness of Bridge Over Troubled Water and the funky 70s Blaxploitation attitude. On the lead single “Black Mold Grow,” soaring harmonies bleed into a soulful disco swagger, a perfect contrast to the slinky bossanova-esque “Terra Treasures.” It’s a pastiche of genres that live harmoniously in unison on record and in the mind of the man behind Levek.